Thursday, April 23, 2009

Sprint to the Finish

As you have all recently noticed, I haven't been posting. It is finals time again. Diana worked this weekend, but when she got home on Sunday evening, I basically told her good bye for two and a half weeks. We are basically in dead week with barely any classes and then a week and a half of finals. Starting this Monday we will be on a M, W, F schedule of finals until May 6. I can whole heatedly say I have put in a stronger effort thus far in preparation for finals this semester than last. However, the anxiety is higher and the goals of placement in class rank are lower. Last semester we all just wanted to be at least in the top 50% of our class and did some minor joking of failing out of law school. This semester it is more serious and our ultimate goal is to not have to repeat a 1L class. We are all reading online the requirements grade wise to avoid that situation and avoid having to meet with the dreaded associate dean. I will try and post periodically, but if you don't hear from me for a bit, you will know why. Thanks for reading the blog and it will continue on as the next couple of years progress!

1 comment:

Sodermoto said...

Good luck on the finals! :)