Friday, November 14, 2008

The Study of Law Waits For No Holiday

We recently received the long anticipated and infamous speech by our Assistant Dean. We are directed on how to handle our Thanksgiving break since it will drop us right into our finals. The 2L's and 3L's tell you that the dean says you can't even go back for a second helping at the Thanksgiving meal because you should be studying. Because that is the rumor, the dean starts the conversation by saying, "many saying I tell you not to eat over Thanksgiving break, but that's not true". You would think that the conversation would then lead elsewhere, but it doesn't. The dean then says, "however, Thanksgiving is not really a break from school. You need to continue working as if it wasn't a holiday..." . I had to laugh because it started as a denial to a claim, but finished as a confirmation to all the rumors of this holiday speech. A couple of the faculty members have shared that we need to enjoy some of our time off though, so it is good to know it isn't as life and death as the dean always makes it.

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